Reduce Print Expenses with Xerox ConnectKey

In these challenging economic times, many businesses have been exploring their balance sheets and looking for ways to cut costs and boost productivity to remain competitive. One of the last un-audited areas for most companies is their print environment. Some companies have explored their options and chosen to consolidate their IT including their print environment. Many have replaced rooms full of machines with a multi-function print device.
While purchasing an MFP can show immediate cost savings, by digging a bit deeper into your print environment you can multiply those savings significantly. Xerox understands the print environment better than anyone. They also understand the way business gets done. They have created a software solution called ConnectKey that is totally adaptable to the way your company works.
Turn Your MFP Into A Communications Hub
ConnectKey allows you to maximize the savings available to your business by working to make your MFP a cost effective communications hub. ConnectKey is a suite of software tools that seamlessly integrates and expands on the functionality of your MFP. Many workplace trends are converging. As more employees opt into BYOD (bring your own device) trends, businesses need to adopt mobile computing and print protocols. ConnectKey allows your mobile workforce to connect, edit, print and store documents on the cloud or in your office all through your MFP. By monitoring usage and setting print protocols, ConnectKey can offer significant savings. ConnectKey works from all devices and with all operating systems. To make it even more flexible, ConnectKey ships with a suite of easy to use APP creator software to allow even more customization.
ConnectKey Cost Controls
ConnectKey offers serious cost control functions out of the box. With ConnectKey you can set-up and monitor:
• User permissions and restrictions: You can customize user protocols within your network. Restrict color printing only to employees or departments where it is useful. Route billing or order fulfillment to lower cost-per-page devices
• Always double sided printing: ConnectKey defaults to double sided printing. This can save money on supplies because you’ll use less paper. This helps you to become more sustainable.
• Time restrictions (no printing after office hours) Limit print usage to office hours and monitor who is printing.
• Use of color printing: Color printing can be expensive. Use ConnectKey to set-up user protocols to allow color printing on a need to use basis.
• XSA (Xerox Standard Accounting) lets you track and analyze and limit device usage: Track and monitor your print environment’s usage, route jobs to cost effective devices and limit access to allowable staff use.
• Network accounting compatible with Pcounter, Ysoft and Equitrac: Automatically track and bill print costs to the correct client.
• Faxes routed to email to save paper costs: Send faxes directly to the recipient’s desktop or mobile device in the field. This allows for quicker communications and cost savings.
• 3-tier color print billing (available on Xerox’s ColorQube) depending on the amount of space the color takes up. (i.e.: just a logo would be charged as a black and white print): Use ConnectKey’s three-tiered billing function to Set-up billing and pricing for each client, and each device. Streamline your billing process and increase your comptroller’s productivity.
Monitoring your print environment and setting user protocols can offer significant cost savings, increase productivity and translate directly to your company’s bottom line. Migrating to the ConnectKey platform is a smart business decision that can offer immediate and significant savings. If you are working with a Managed Print Services Company, ConnectKey offers easy integration with a suite of Apps designed for MPS. ConnectKey is built to work the way you do!
To find out how much your business is currently spending on print, click here for your free print assessment: