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Become Secure at the Office

The age of technology obviously means that industry, business, and the way we live our lives all experience some degree change. Some changes are large, brilliant, and innovative, while others are less overt, subtle, and minute. One thing that has certainly changed with the times is the process of theft. Theft, albeit still practiced in terms of pickpockets and home burglary, has since taken on an entirely new form: that of the Internet hacker and identity thief. Identity theft has sky rocketed in recent years to include a figure close to 10 million within a given year.

So just how can you arm yourself against these new-age thieves? It’s not as simple as putting in a great home alarm system and sitting back and relaxing; protecting yourself from identity theft is now a full-time job, especially at the office.

Since there’s more at stake at the office, meaning not just your information but also the information of your customers, it’s important that you’re taking the necessary precautions in protecting your business from identity theft. You would also be surprised to learn that most security breaches occur from within an organization.

Here are some reasons why security could be compromised in an organization:

  1. Unintended Disclosure- This happens when an employee or partner says or writes something they shouldn’t. This is done unintentionally but can have a severe impact on sensitive information.
  2. Hacking or Malware- Another way that information can be attained is through hacking and malware. Make sure that your anti-virus and firewalls are updated.
  3. Bad Employees- There’s nothing worse than having a disgruntled employee that didn’t handle the situation of being let go well. Make sure to protect yourself from employees that know too much when they are let go.
  4. Lost Papers- When employees lose papers, they are letting valuable information leave their hands. Be sure to safeguard important documents and don’t let them fall into the wrong hands.

Now that you know where some common security breaches occur, you can do more to combat them. Contact us today to learn more!

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